Everyone has a right to communicate. We work to find the best communication method for each individual, from increasing vocalizations, to supports like word cards and white boards, to programs like Spelling to Communicate. When an individual has a clear and consistent way to communicate with their caregivers, behaviors and frustrations decrease dramatically. We also use music therapy techniques for communication, using the power of music and rhythm to address speech goals like articulation and fluency.
Therapy Foundations also offers Spelling to Communicate (S2C) with a certified S2C Practitioner. Spelling to Communicate teaches individuals with movement challenges the purposeful motor skills necessary to point to letters to spell as an alternative means of communication (AAC). As motor skills improve through consistent practice, students progress physically from pointing to letters on letter boards to typing on a keyboard as well as conceptually by learning how to express more of their true thoughts and feelings. S2C is appropriate for anyone who is non-speaking, minimally speaking, or unreliably speaking.
You can learn more about Spelling to Communicate at the International Association for Spelling as Communication.