Sensory & Movement
Sensory Integration is the ability for your body to take in information from the world around you, send the message to your brain, and then send a message back to your body which comes out as a behavior or movement response. Therapy Foundations looks at how the sensory system is impacting each individual and finds strategies to support the sensory system in operating more efficiently.
All children are born with primitive reflexes that develop, mature, and eventually become the foundation for the sensory system. All motor (movement), cognitive (thinking), communication, social, and emotional skills are built upon sensory integration and primitive reflexes.
Often we see a disconnect between the brain and the body when one or more primitive reflexes don’t mature and integrate with the body’s systems. This disconnect may also prevent the ability of the left and right hemispheres of the brain to work together. This disconnect and disorganization of the brain can lead to struggles with learning, motor skills, attention, behaviors, visual processing, and more.
By identifying the stalled primitive reflex development and brain/body disconnects, we can begin to rewire the brain’s neural networks to build a strong foundation. Specific therapy exercises are used to mature primitive reflexes as well as build a strong sensory system. This neurologic approach treats the cause of the behavior and not just the symptom.
With a firm philosophy rooted in brain development and assuming competence, we then begin the assessment process with a “bottom up” approach starting with primitive reflexes and sensory integration.
“Neuroplasticity” in the brain means the brain can continue to grow and create new pathways regardless of age or diagnosis. By filling in the missing gaps/holes of neurologic development, we can make bigger changes in the behaviors and symptoms that our clients are experiencing.